Our North Star

Guiding Principles for a prosperous future

The Comprehensive Health Equity Movement (CHEM)® is a transformative initiative dedicated to realizing health equity for all, with a focus on communities historically excluded from prosperity. We harness the power of collaboration and innovation to create sustainable solutions that address the root causes of disparity.

As a movement, CHEM is dedicated to fostering agreement and alignment, recognizing that we cannot envision a collective future or achieve impactful collaborative outcomes without a common language. As such, we advocate for a universal definition of Health Equity (i.e., total equity).

Health Equity

Health Equity is the assuredness of access to full health and wellbeing for all people, despite differences resulting from designations of race, ethnicity, language, age, ability, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or any other circumstance, identity, or intersection among these.

It requires the active elimination of discriminatory and systemic barriers to such assuredness and the establishment of pathways and mechanisms to ensure, enforce, assess, and maintain it.

The Elements of CHEM

Alchemizing Prosperity

Like essential elements combining to form a powerful compound, our integrated network of seven member organizations synergizes to Create Entourage Benefit for Our Communities™. By uniting diverse voices and expertise, we lay the foundation for transformative change, aiming to reshape systems and nurture community health and wellbeing (i.e. prosperity) from soil to solution.

Our vision

CHEM envisions a world where all people enjoy unfettered access to the resources and opportunities needed to achieve full health, wellbeing, prosperity, and self-actualization.

Our Mission

CHEM is a purpose-driven movement committed to pioneering innovative solutions that optimize economic, environmental, human, and social determinants of health to create a society of true health equity, as defined by the CHEM Pillars of Health Equity®.

CHEM Pillars of Health Equity®

Environmental Equity

The assuredness of access to and maintenance of 1) clean air, water, land, soil, and nutritious food 2) clean, natural, and safe outdoor spaces, 3) clean and safe indoor spaces, and 4) clean, safe, and consistent housing options.beyond the classroom, nurturing the mind, body, and spirit to help individuals reach their full potential.

Economic Equity

The assuredness of 1) economic reciprocity and 2) fair access to opportunities and services that a) secure and grow economic resources such as income, savings, assets, and capital, and b) bring personal and collective agency over the flow of economic resources through a household or community.

Human Equity

The assuredness of access to experiences, opportunities, and resources that optimize 1) an individual’s knowledge, skills, ability, capability, adaptability, introspection, empathy, enlightenment, self-regard, and self-actualization, and 2) their physical, mental, and spiritual fitness.

Social Equity

The assuredness of fairness in policy, regulation, and in the distribution of social resources and services to ensure that policy, social constructs, and institutional practices 1) assure economic, environmental, and human equity, 2) demonstrate cultural respect and preservation, and 3) facilitate the social belonging, cooperation, cohesion, trust, participation, protection, and productivity of all people.

Our values

  • Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards.
  • Innovation: We embrace creative solutions to complex challenges.
  • Collaboration: We foster partnerships to amplify our impact.
  • Sustainability: We balance short-term needs with long-term well-being.
  • Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
  • Empowerment: We equip individuals and communities with tools for self-determination.
  • Equity: We strive for the assuredness of access to opportunities and optimal outcomes for all.

Our goals

  • Build strategic coalitions among public, private and community partners to advance our mission.
  • Create culturally-responsive education and training programs that develop leaders and transfer knowledge.
  • Develop community-centered solutions that create economic opportunities and build generational wealth.
  • Leverage natural materials and agricultural innovations to promote community healing and self-sufficiency.
  • Implement data-driven initiatives, continuously optimize outcomes, and expand evidence-based models.
  • Conduct research that informs evidence-based policies and best practices.
  • Reform policies and dismantle systemic barriers that perpetuate health inequities.

Our Approach

CHEM is Complexly Integrated

CHEM is a complex, integrated movement comprising seven member organizations and a coalition of partners working synergistically to achieve health equity through entourage impact. We recognize that the deeply entrenched barriers to health equity are multifaceted and interconnected, requiring a holistic, collaborative approach that leverages diverse expertise and resources.

Our Call to Action

We call on all who envision a society where health equity is a reality to join forces with CHEM. Together, through entourage impact, we will heal communities, transform systems, and co-create a future where prosperity is shared by all.